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Strategic plans are often developed in isolation and rarely aligned across an organization. As a result, the organization's strategy and strategic objectives are not well defined, are not well communicated and do not impact day-to-day decision making.

Our Strategy Planning and Deployment Process, using Strategy Maps and Hoshin Kanri, provides an organization with simple and effective methods and tools to develop, communicate and align its business objectives, strategic initiatives, operating plans, targets and goals.

The strategic plan then forms the basis for establishing an effective Performance Management System and for initiating critical Operational Excellence & Lean Six Sigma projects and activities. Strategy Deployment using Hoshin Kanri has been successfully deployed by many world-class organizations.


An "Introduction to Strategy Deployment with Hoshin Planning" presentation for management teams takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. An implementation workshop normally requires 2 to 3 days of preparation, a one- or two-day development workshop, and potentially 2 to 3 follow-up sessions to ensure a successful implementation.

Who Should Attend

Functional Management Teams and Process Owners


Some of the benefits of implementing our Strategy Planning and Deployment Process:

  • Help the management team identify and focus on the "right" goals, objectives and initiatives.

  • Focus and align an organization towards common goals and objectives.

  • Enable an organization to understand and evaluate the relationship between specific actions and strategy.

  • Improve communication of organizational priorities across an organization.

  • Help employees to understand and focus on organizational priorities and realize relevant results.

  • Strengthen and formalizing the project selection process to focus on relevant capabilities and enablers.

Additional Support

Hands-on implementation support, if needed to transfer the Strategy Deployment with Hoshin Planning framework to other parts of the organization, is also course available.


The courses are held in open venues and announced through mails and website, where delegates from any industry can attend. Upon request, E-Lean can also conduct these certification courses in house.


Samar Jammal,

E-lean shop

Recently had attended a GB and BB six sigma course delivered by Subra.

Subra demonstrates high professional level, he keeps the attendees engaged, provides exercises and demos, he also understands the subject very well which is a crucial point for delivering training, he was also available for clarifications and further explanations when the attendees need.

Thank you Subra... looking forward for more training opportunities

Shejin Muraleedharan,Logistics Coordinator

E-lean consulting

Subra is a great teacher. It was a pleasant journey with an engaging class room experience learning Six Sigma Green and Black Belt. I believe best effective teaching is to ensure that students get plenty of hands on experience and Subra was able to 100% successfully deliver the same.

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